Title: Skin Character: Kai Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Length: 388 words Summary/Warnings: Jongin wishes he could change himself. Hints of self-harm. Inspired by this.
Title: Try Character: Yixing (Yixing/OC) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Character study, general, drama, friendship, romance Length: ~3.1 Summary/Warnings: He wanted to be the best for her. I tried. Thanks for letting me post this so late. It's 00:06, I was having troubles with the title.
Title: Untitled Pairing: Yixing/Sehun, side Jongin/Lu Han (onesided Yixing/Lu Han & Jongin/Sehun) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, angst, friendship Length: 2810 words Summary/Warnings: Drunken kisses can end up in way more than that. 23. Write a pairing you've never written before
Title: Fit for A Regina George Pairing: Baekhyun/Kyungsoo Rating: PG-13 KIND OF Genre: UH Length: 1203 WC Summary/Warnings: 25. write for a friend; genderbender!au
Day of Challenge: week 2, days, 3-5 Title: i think (wip) Pairing: taobaek, chansoo, krishan, sekai (later on maybe more) Rating: nc17 Genre: life Length: 1513 w. Summary/Warnings: semi-sequel to "hahaimtao". still working on it. / no drug use in this one tho for prompt 24: worked on a wip.
XOXO Camp Week Two, Challenges One, Two and Three: Work on a WIP Title: [NOT DECIDED] Pairing: (will be) Xiu Min x Sehun, bff!SeKai Rating: T (currently) Genre: Attempted!Humor, Attempted!Romance Length: [+]added 1 600 words Summary: Kim Minseok's face is cute and innocent. His everything else, is not really. Warnings: I don't know how it will go in
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